Saturday morning 9.16 a.m.
These are the most important days of the year.
Or better.
These should be the most important days of the year.
Because of the huge numbers of thought and reflections that the new Year's Eve takes with it.
During the last days of the year, I usually review everything has happened during the months passed by, trying to understand if I feel better or happier than the year before.
2007 has been full of wonderful places visited.
I've been in Toscana twice, and at Bologna for the first time in my life.
I've spent my summer holidays in Praha, Wien and Budapest and I started to improve my English, as I've desired from such a long time.
I've also improved my position at work (but the salary has remained the same as before, but this is another story!!), and my skill at driving.
I've had an operation at the vocal chords that I've been putting off from a couple of years (and when I woke up from the anestesy and I understood that I was still alive, and I could speak, was -I swear - the happiest moment in my life!).
I've met my cousin's two-years-old daughter for the first time, and this was very very very touching.
And then, I've lost a person that I loved very much, that has gone away, consumed by illness and by sadness. I dont' know where she is now, I really don't believe in a place called heaven, but I know that she is in my head (and in my heart, of course), and she will be here, ever and ever.
Canzone per un'amica, Francesco Guccini