Hi Fabiana! welcome to the blog. I'm writing the homework: pg.57 n.2. and in the other book do all the exercises that you want! and..write a little sentence for each day of holiday ..is it correct,guys?
beh..HAVE A GREAT GREAT NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KISSES, Carolina.
PS: Nello and Tommy..and Olga could you explain me How and where I can write the 'commenti'?..I know,I know...I'm a little 'IMBRANATA'!!!
4 commenti:
Hi Carola! Thanks for your wishes and happy 2008 to you and to all the boys and girls of our class! My wish is that the new year will be useful to realize all our dreams and maytbe more...! Particularly to you Carola...I hope the new year will let you able to learn definitively how to use this blog:-D Kisses to everybody, Carlo
Happy 2008 to each of you, my friends... and peace to everyone, wherever they are...
A huuuuge kiss, Olga :)
HI Carola! Hi everyone!! I hope that the Carlo's dream would become a reality the next year...Carola will learn to use the blog!!! Anyway Carola, to insert a comment it is enough to click on the word "comment" after the post and it will appear a pop up window in which you can insert your comment. Remember to insert also you user name and password and the "strange" word that appears in the pop window.
For the moment it is over.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!!!
I hope to see you the next year with a better english!!!
...thanks nello.I'll try..NOW!!
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