Saturday British Fever

This is the free space of a group of crazy people that spend the saturday afternoon studing english instead sleeping.

mercoledì 19 dicembre 2007

Hi to one and all

So I finally found 5 minutes in this busy week to make my first post to your excellent blog. I have to say what you have all written so far is really very good and special mention has to go to Olga and Nello for doing such a great job of getting this off the ground.

So what do I think you should do? Well, carry on on as you are... this belongs to you and as such anything that gives you more exposure to English can only be a good thing!

Should you have time during the festive season and you're able to drag yourselves off the sofa after eating 100 mince pies and 3 gallons of wine!!! Here is the link to Flo joe - so you can start doing a bit of exam practice. Especially good for practicing your reading skills and use of English.

Remember, 15 minutes for each exercise and no dictionaries. You can check all your answers on-line and even get a printed version if you wish.

See you all on Saturday for our lesson.

All the best


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