Saturday British Fever

This is the free space of a group of crazy people that spend the saturday afternoon studing english instead sleeping.

mercoledì 4 giugno 2008 si, mi lancio in inglese, vediamo cosa ne esce..

Time goes by and the exam is everyday nearer...

Carolina has perfectly summarised our conversation: the idea of the evening party was born from the will to stay, once again, all together. I hope we will be able to lay on ( cacchio mi sono lanciata pure col phrasal verb, speriamo sia corretto...) a great evening all together, that for each of us will surely means the possibility to share a smile, or a thought, or simply a laugh with somebody who has made our same "journey" towards the improvement of our English.

These months have been full of funny or more serious events, "dramatic" and "grammatic" moments, and everyone has given his /her contribution - who less, who more - to make our saturday couse a lovely moment to live. And so I am really happy to have chosen The British Council this year to occupy my free time (and not the gym..probably now I would be fitter and sexier...but who cares???? ;).

I will barely forget you. Have a nice time and will your dreams become true!

And maybe for the last time, I give you a song.

That's for you, my friends. You know who I am thinking of.

All the best, see you on saturday

SOUNDTRACK: James Taylor, You've got a friend

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