Saturday British Fever

This is the free space of a group of crazy people that spend the saturday afternoon studing english instead sleeping.

martedì 1 gennaio 2008

Hi everybody.....!!!!!!!!!!

Hi my sweet and honey guys!!!! First of all happy 2008! secondly, now I've learnt how I can use the blog in all its parts!! The blog doesn't have secrets anymore.. I have to thank all of you about your 'comment'..and above all Nello because He explained to me 'the blog' very well!! Ah, Carlo...:pay attention, are 'kidding with the fire'..!! ahahhaa!!
I'm serious,now: I wish you all positive things for this 2008 and I hope that all your/our dreams come true..!!
A huge amount of kisses.

PS. I'm attaching the song that I love very much..I'll learn it and at the end of the course I'll sing it for you..aehhhaeeaa!!!!
PS. Neil: a question for you: but the calendar of British council..where is??

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